021 180 2717

072 500 8477


07:30 - 17:30

Monday to Friday

Saturdays & Sundays: Closed



The Cambridge Primary Science curriculum helps learners develop a lifelong curiosity about the natural world and enables them to seek scientific explanations for the phenomena around them. Students develop a holistic approach to Science by considering scientific thinking and practical skills alongside knowledge and understanding, which is vital for explaining the world around us.

Students learn to think scientifically and develop practical skills alongside knowledge and understanding, which is vital for explaining the world around us. Improving learners’ awareness of Science in a hands-on fashion facilitates learning by helping them connect to the subject.

This curriculum covers six main areas called ‘strands’ that work together so that you can teach Science holistically:

  • Biology – living things and how they interact.
  • Chemistry – the study of matter.
  • Physics – the interaction of matter and energy.
  • Geography, Earth and space – planet Earth, the wider solar system and beyond.
  • Thinking and Working Scientifically – develop understanding and skills of scientific models and representations, scientific enquiry and practical work.
  • Science in Context – demonstrate the relevance of Science.
Cambridge Science Overview

Primary Science framework and structure

Cambridge curriculum

Download the Cambridge Primary programme overview

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