021 180 2717

072 500 8477


07:30 - 17:30

Monday to Friday

Saturdays & Sundays: Closed

Author: Liberté School

The traditional schooling system emphasises marks and academic achievements, and although performance can’t be assessed or measured without a yardstick, focusing solely on test results often makes parents, educators, and children stress about gaps as they try to ensure kids don’t fall behind. When children compare their marks to those of their peers, they start worrying about what others think 
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Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of study concerned with understanding the nature of intelligence and how it can be modelled and applied in educational contexts. Liberté School uses science research in this field to improve teaching methods, learning outcomes, and student engagement.
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Executive functioning (EF) skills are those capacities that enable a person to engage in successful independent purposeful behaviour. It is, therefore, a set of mental processes that play a crucial role in regulating and controlling behaviour and thinking, forming the cornerstones of human intelligence. 
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Children's needs are important and should take priority. However, it is also vital for them to learn that interrupting, when done inappropriately, is rude and to respect other people and their conversations when they need attention. 
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