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Programming, robotics, and information are becoming increasingly essential skills in today’s world and integrated into our curriculum in various ways to support children’s learning and development.

Programming and coding skills are introduced through activities such as block programming, where children use visual blocks of code to build simple programs. Children also learn about programming concepts such as algorithms, loops, and conditionals. These activities help children develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity.

Robotics is another area where we incorporate technology to support children’s learning. Children use various robotics kits to build and program simple robots, which can help them develop their design and engineering skills. Robotics activities can also help children develop teamwork and communication skills as they work together to design, build, and test their robots.

It’s worth noting that technology is not viewed as a replacement for learning methods but rather as a tool to support children’s learning and development. At Liberté School, we teach children that technology should be used thoughtfully and in an intentional way and integrate it into our curriculum in a way that supports our teaching philosophy of hands-on, experiential learning.

Areas of Learning:
Technology, Science & Engineering
Computer Skills, Programming and Robotics
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